
A Declaration Of Love To Cats & What We Can Learn From Them

A Declaration Of Love To Cats & What We Can Learn From Them

For some cats are cats - animals just. For me they are so much more! I owe a lot to my cats and have learned so much from them. That's why today there is a small declaration of love to cats - animals that have enriched my life eerily.

My Declaration Of Love To Cats
I think that's not just me. For me my cats are not just animals that live in our household, for me Mammina, Shadow and Puschi are family members. Yes, they are my cat children. I love them to the limit, I take care of them, I cuddle with them, play with them, feed them, see that they are well and they are happy with us. I want to give my cats back all that I receive from them.

You're Never Alone With Cats
I am lucky that I can work a lot from home. That's wonderful, but sometimes you can easily drop the blanket on your head. Sometimes I do not see a soul all day. Then I sit at my desk by the window, type in the keys of my laptop and only see birds, sometimes deer, squirrels or joggers, when I look out the window. (As you may know, we live right next to the forest).

But I have my three cats, mostly looking for my company around the clock. And I love it! Right now, for example, Mammina is lying on the chair right next to me and Puschi has made himself comfortable on his new sleeping place right behind me. I enjoy having my cats around me! And at the same time it makes me incredibly happy that they are looking for my closeness and seemingly like to be with me.

Daniel Dafoe was really right when he said:
If You Have A Cat, You Do Not Have To Be Afraid Of Being Alone.

Teach Cats To Enjoy The Moment
You can also learn a lot from cats. For example, to live in the moment and enjoy the moment. Cats no longer think about the day before yesterday and they do not think about tomorrow either. They live exactly in the here and now. They enjoy their petting, they sleep as long as they want and play, when they feel like it. And they enjoy what they are doing. If we could do that more often then we would probably be spared some (often wrongly done) worries.

Cats Teach That It's Alright To Dance Out Of Line
What I find so fascinating about cats? They take care of a sh ... what others think of them. They do not care which coat color they have, they do not care if they are small or tall and they do not care if they have long or short coat. They are just as they are and do not even think about it. Plus, they do what they feel like doing. Sometimes they leap through the air like a billy goat and lie down on the floor, no matter how they look or where they are. Sometimes I also wished I could just lie down on the floor without reaping the wrong looks. Not because I really want to lay down on the floor, but just on principle

Through My Cats, I Have Found My Calling
I've always loved cats. However, that I would once find my vocation through them, I would not have expected. Like so many, I studied after completing high school, did internships in various editorial departments, and then ended up working as a manager in a large fashion company. Did that make me happy? Not really ... When I realized that life makes me unhappy, I made the decision to move to my (then then) friend to Munich and a break from the constant pressure to perform, which seems to be our constant companion in this day and age to take.

I wanted to do something good, something for the heart. So I contacted an animal welfare organization and asked me to become a foster home for cats. Since we live here so close to nature and Puschi is such a social hangover , we seemed to be the perfect foster home for former street cats , who also need clearance. By pictures we could decide between two cats. One was a small gray cat named Mammina, the second cat was a dark gray cat. Since Puschi is better with girls, we decided for Mammina.

Through My Cats, I Have Found My Calling

When the little mouse came to us from Italy (Sardinia), she was terribly anxious. For almost three months she only lived under the sofa, hardly showed herself and only came out at night. She had problems with the cat litter box and devastated our living room where she lived. I did not want to give up and show the little mouse that we only want the best for her. I dealt intensively with the topic, read in and also sought professional advice. Then I realized that my efforts are bearing fruit and that I seem to have a "talent" for dealing with cats.

As you know, Mammina is no longer a foster cat, I could not help it and we kept her with us. What has become of her? The most affectionate cat you can imagine. She enjoys her new life to the fullest, which makes me incredibly happy.

Mammina is why I trained as a behavior therapist and psychologist for cats. If she had not been, who knows if I would ever have discovered my calling.

My heart goes out when I help cats, or their owner can advise. Also my blog is so much fun for me. Thank you mom!

Comforting Cats
I do not know how they do it, or they do it on purpose, but cats have a healing effect on us humans. And by that I do not just mean the cat's purr , which has a positive effect on our body. Cats comfort alone with their presence.

I can remember exactly one event a few years ago. Shadow did not live officially with us yetAt this time she was still the cat of our neighbors. At times, she used to hide in my wardrobe to have a warm and safe place to sleep (she used to live outside only). I had a very bad day that day, I was so overwhelmed and sat on the sofa and cried and sobbed. Suddenly Shadow came out of my closet - I did not know she was there - stood two feet in front of me and looked at me. Until I stopped crying. Then she went again. Since then, I call her my soul comforter. I love her for her empathy and I am incredibly happy that she is now an integral part of our family.

So, when I read that the Pope says that animals have no soul, he probably has never been fortunate to have a deep connection to a cat .... Too bad.

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