
The Wild 5 Minutes Of The Cats

Do you know that too? The cat runs wildly through the apartment, banging one hook after the other and doing lots of funny things about which we sometimes have to wonder pretty much? Oh yes, these are the famous 5 minutes of the cats. But what does that mean? And should we be worried about that?

It can be a bit of a laugh to see your own cat running wildly through the apartment, she jumps on all sorts of furniture and seems to chase after things that do not really exist. The wild 5 minutes of cats can be quite entertaining for spectators. Today I want to tell you what the famous 5 minutes are all about.

Typical actions of the cat
  • Wild run through the apartment
  • Verfolgungsjagdten
  • Pursuit and hunt for imaginary things
  • Sudden, rigid persistence
  • Jump on tables, chairs, cabinets

Are the '5 minutes' normal?
Many see this behavior of the cat as 'not normal'. It is more than typical for cats. And right away: your cat does not spin and 'harmful' are the 5 minutes not even for your cat. Still, you should ask yourself why she runs so wildly around the apartment - especially if she does so very often.

Reasons For The 5 Minutes Of The Cats
Cats are hunting wildly through the apartment to reduce excess energy. Probably there has not been so much going on recently and your cat has accumulated a lot of energy and frustration. Above all, one can observe the 5 minutes with flat cats particularly often, because here it is the cats the most difficult, their energy in natural drives such as hunting, or lurking for prey to break down.

In these 5 minutes, Kitty lets everything out, what has accumulated, the so-called substitute action is a welcome valve for them. After that, she'll probably fall back on the couch, relax and pretend that nothing had happened. Energy dissipated - everything is fine again.

The Wild 5 Minutes Of The Cats

So you can support your cat
Of course, we can help our cats get rid of their accumulated energy. We can provide you with incentives in your own home, which occupy and challenge the cats. And, of course, extended and fixed hours of play are part of everyday life in every cat's household. If your cat is a single cat, a second cat will do her good. Although this does not replace your attention, but the boredom has it so much harder. It is also helpful to give the cat clearance - of course, only if it allows your living environment.

Examples of employment
  • Employment games for cats (look here)
  • Scratching posts or climbing course in the apartment
  • Cat-human time
  • Daily fixed game hours
  • Hunting games with cat fishing
  • Balls to chase after (look here)

I hope I could contribute a bit to the education about the famous 5 minutes of cats. And maybe you've found one or the other point where you can help your cat to lose excess energy.

Until then, it's good! Your Annika with a fluffy attachment
Right Behavior, If Neighbor's Cat Wants To Move In With You

One or two of you may know that our sweet little Shadow decided to move in with us once and was once a neighbor's cat. Today it's about how you behave best as a cat owner in this situation - the cats opposite and also the neighbors.

In my opinion, it is one of the most intriguing things about cats - they pick their own owner and do not just stay where they do not like it or they get little affection. The speech is, of course, only of freelancers - is clear.

If Neighbor's Cat Wants To Move In With You
That's exactly what happened to us. Our kitten, Shadow, decided to live with us and our two-man team two years ago. (You can read Shadow's story here ). Recently, a dear reader, has written to me with the request for advice, because even with her, a cat lady from the neighborhood for the collection makes an effort. For this to work well, you should pay attention to a few things. And that is exactly why it should be today.

Why Cats Are Looking For A New Home
There can be many reasons here. I want to list a few:
  • Lack of attention (holder is much gone)
  • Cat feels lonely
  • Cat is doused by other cats
  • Too much stress in the home (noise, too many people)
  • Cat is not treated well
  • Cat does not get along well with kids
  • Cat feels neglected by baby
  • Cat gets too little food

Cats usually do not go by the motto "so I'm going away, let's see where I come from", but have usually already chosen a new home before they say goodbye to the old home.

What Is Different In The New Home?
Again, there can be a variety of reasons. Most likely, the new home is simply more comfortable for the cat. Much less stress, much more attention, regular food and possibly also cat mate. Or no cat that annoys you and a lot of petting a quiet person.

How Do I Behave Towards The Neighbors?
If you notice that the neighbor cat is staying with you more often, you should definitely inform the neighbor about it. This should be aware of what it is that his cat is looking for the proximity of another house and its inhabitants. First and foremost is the welfare of the cat. Are you ready to take this cat? Well, the cat will be very happy about that. What you definitely need is the consent of the previous owner. Simply taking in a cat without notifying the owner and discussing everything with him does not work!

Right Behavior, If Neighbor's Cat Wants To Move In With You

If The Cats Do Not Tolerate Each Other
If the cat decides to move to you, then it has good reasons. Nevertheless, it can happen that it does not immediately arrive well with the cats already living in the household.

That was also the case for me. My cat Puschi loves all catladies, he had absolutely no problems with Shadows move in. Mammina, on the other hand, always scared Shadow away. Mammina is a little diva, she quickly becomes effervescent if you pay more attention to another cat than you do. In addition, a third cat enters their territory, which of course must be defended. After all, it is up to you, the owners, the cats to facilitate living together and to provide less rivalry in the house.

How You As A Keeper Can Support Your Cats
  • You as a holder play a central role in the peaceful coexistence of the new triad. First and foremost, you should consciously decide to accept the new cat . Cats feel the attitude of their counterpart. If she is still 'neighbor's cat' to you, she will not be accepted properly by all four-legged members.
  • Shadow has felt a remarkable difference in their behavior from the second we said, okay, you're officially here now.
  • In addition, you should never prefer the new cat . This is difficult, because you want to pay a lot of attention to the new cat, if she did not get it before. But that would stoke the jealousy of the other cats. So take care of the cats that have lived with you before. Remember that your affection, despite the new cat does not change them, they see the entry of the new cat relaxed.
  • In order not to confuse your cats any further, you should not break any rules because of the new cat. Cats are very important to rituals to feel good. So be sure to stop all the rituals that have been done so far . This includes things like mealtimes, seasons, pats and the well-known places. Feeders or the litter box should continue to stand where it was and your cats should continue to sleep there or stay where they were allowed to.
  • Avoid any food offense . All cats should be given food or treats at the same time, and no cat should steal the other's food. Often the weaker cats (usually the new ones) are attacked while eating. Simply to make the dominance clear.
  • Joint activities increase acceptance and strengthen the new pack. Now your skills as a cat owner are in demand. If the situation turns out to be so, you should at the same time deal with two cats, who still have to get used to each other. When she tries to stroke her at the same time, she tries to pet at the same time (luckily we have two hands) or think of other common activities. With us common walks have made small miracles.
  • One thing is very important, the cats always have to establish their own ranking, For example, Puschi is clearly the boss here, there is no way around him. Then comes our little diva Mammina and Shadow finally had to submit to everyone - which she had no problem with. It still happens today that one or the other tries to shake things up, but that's normal for cats. In order to produce such a hierarchy, the cats do not come around for scuffles with each other. Since like one (or more) cat blow is given, as is breathed and also screamed something. But that's what the cats have to do. You as a cat owner should only intervene if a cat fight could lead to injuries. I know, it's often hard to watch, but your cats have to get through to live together peacefully later on.
  • There are homeopathic remedies that can help your cats in such a situation. Bach flowers or homeopathic remedies can be used for more acceptance and less jealousy . The best way to do this is to have a behavioral therapist for cats who can advise you in choosing the right remedy for your case.
  • The most important thing is to give you and the new pack time . In the fewest cases, everything works after a week or a month. Mammina distributes even today one or the other paw slash. Very harmless and without claws. Just to show it, hey, I'm the stronger one.

I think if two (or even three) completely different cats can live together after some time, without attacking or hurting, this is really a great way! Stay tuned, that can really work!

PS: By the way, intentionally feeding foreign cats is a no-go!
Uncleanliness in Cats : Reasons & Triggers

Does your cat sometimes miss? Reasons for uncleanliness in cats are almost like sand on the sea. And as different as the cat characters are, so different may be the reasons for uncleanliness. That's why this time I'm dealing with the triggers of uncleanliness.

Many say that the uncleanliness came quite suddenly, some report of 'always'. Sometimes it seems that the cat itself does not know whether to make it to or in the litter box today.

But One Thing The Cat Never Wants. Annoy You! And That Is Very Important!
A cat does not just pee on the door, on the sofa or on the shelf. The cat is not mean and wants to annoy you. She has her reasons. And she wants to tell you in kitsch that there is something that bothers her. It is very typical of the species.

Now it's up to you to figure out what's the cause of the cat's messiness. I would like to enumerate some known triggers that often lead to uncleanliness in cats.

Reasons For Uncleanliness In Cats
  • Moving (the cat loses her usual territory)
  • Changing the apartment / new furniture
  • New partners (the cat feels neglected or worried by new partners)
  • New, animal housemates
  • Loss and mourning for a partner (animal or human)
  • The cat is alone too long
  • The cat is not busy enough (fixed seasons)
  • The cat lacks routine (cats love routine!)
  • Hustle, noise, loud noises (cats hate loud screams or door-slamming!)
  • A baby moves in (neglect? Jealousy?)
  • Threat of foreign cats (animals) inside or outside the apartment
  • Accommodation in pet board (or foreign house) during the absence of the holder
  • Craftsman in the house
  • Places that the cat was allowed to use earlier are suddenly taboo
  • Missing social partners (second cat)
  • Stress of any kind
  • Frequent parties / often strangers in the apartment
  • The cat is locked out
  • The cat is suddenly denied clearance
  • New feeding bowls
  • Mistakes related to the cat litter box (all you can find here )
  • Threat during the business on the cat toilet
  • Bad experience while using the cat litter box
  • illness

If I'm honest, I could keep the list going forever. But I think you also get such a good insight into the psychic life of the sensitive cats. Even many little things that people do not even notice can cause stress for the cat. That may mean that the sofa is suddenly different. But even a loud dispute between the owners can cause enormous stress in the cat and lead to uncleanliness. Here it is very special to reach out to the cat and find out what the trigger could be.

Is My Cat Ill?
Often your cat also wants to tell you by her uncleanliness that she is not feeling well. Therefore, you should always play it safe and go with your cat to the vet. (Or let the vet come). My personal opinion is that when you make the decision to buy a cat, you are also responsible for your well-being. With a check at the vet you do not rush into extreme expenses and that should be worth a cat.

Uncleanliness in Cats : Reasons & Triggers

If Only It Were The Uncleanliness
Sometimes it's not just dirtiness, sometimes the cat starts scratching at the door frame she pees on. I think help is needed here. A local cat therapist who can visit and observe you, meet you and your cat, and see the home environment will help you with the problem. Here the limit of virtual helping is exceeded

To ask for expert help in cats is still a taboo topic for some. Maybe it's embarrassing - I do not know. In dogs, the inhibition threshold is much lower and it is much easier and often exceeded. Sometimes just the tip of the therapist is enough. So rather invest in the recovery of the cat and save weeks, months or even years full of trouble, urine smell and broken furniture.

And Further?
Maybe one or the other of you already did a 'click' while reading my bullet points and you can already guess for yourself what triggers the uncleanness of your cat.

My Uncleanliness series will definitely go further. In the next articles on this topic, I deal with, among other things, the correct behavior in case of uncleanliness.
Aggression Against Humans: Why Cats Bite Or Beat

Do you have a cat at home that sometimes suddenly beats or bites out of the blue? And have you ever wondered why she does that? Today I would like to explain the reasons why cats show aggression against humans.

Ouch! Such a cat strike can hurt a lot! But why did it even happen?

That's what I asked myself at that time, with my sweet cat Noa. Out of nowhere, he could attack my arm, bit while petting or had it on my feet. His behavior was completely unclear to me at the time. Today I know why it was that Noa attacked his people.

Aggression In Cats
First off the front, that no misunderstandings arise. Aggression in cats is completely normal and sometimes vital. Aggression is the language of the cat. The only problem is that we do not speak the same language and do not understand what she's trying to tell us.

It almost never happens that a cat bites or hits a person without first warning them. If the person does not recognize the warning, a blow follows. For the cat very clear - painful and unexplainable for humans.

By the way: did you know that short-haired cats are usually a bit more aggressive than their long-haired comrades? In addition, the aggressiveness in cats often increases with age.

Types Of Aggression In Cats
Unfortunately, more and more often I hear about cats that are aggressive towards their owners. The causes can be diverse, yet you can roughly divide them.
  • The cat reacts aggressively because it wants or needs to defend itself
  • The cat reacts aggressively because it attacks (to clarify something)

  • Lack of socialization of the cat

The inadequate socialization of the cat to humans or in general is one of the main causes of aggression of the cat. Here the cat simply does not blame. She did not grow up with people and is just afraid of him.

To "fix" the lack of socialization in humans is a difficult and lengthy undertaking and sometimes not possible at all.

In addition, if the cat was separated from her mother too early in her first weeks of life (before the 12th week), she missed her most formative mother-kitten phase and will face conspicuousness throughout her life. This includes the sudden attack of her owner.

Incidentally, this type of aggression is especially common in games. If the cat has not learned what play and game hunting is like as a mini and a young kittens age, the cat may attack its humans while playing and snatch at moving parts of the body.

  • The human has disregarded the individual distance of the cat

Yes, even a cuddly cat does not want to be touched anywhere. Sometimes the cat is stroked too long in one place, which in the long run becomes uncomfortable. Or she is generally stroked "too long" and wants to show people that it is good too.

The cat signals to humans that it is time to stop now. But often people do not recognize the sign of caution. The cat finds it outrageous and gives it a clear signal with a blow or a bite.

This also means that a cat does not want to be disturbed or touched while eating, grooming and sleeping.

Even we humans do not want to be touched everywhere, by everyone and constantly. Only we express ourselves differently than cats.

  • Pain-triggering actions

If we hurt the cat, it clearly tells us with a blow that it was not ok. This can happen when stroking, playing, or accidentally, for example when we kick her on the tail. If it was a little worse, the emergency pharmacy for cats can provide  first aid.

That the cat defends here, however, or reflexes, is somehow clear, right?

By the way, an absolute no-go is to fight back, push away the cat, inflict pain on her, or become aggressive in some way.

First, because the cat reacts cat-typical and only we humans often do not understand it and second, because it would worsen the relationship between cat and human. The cat would be afraid of its owner, would pull back or show even more aggressiveness out of fear .
Why It Is So Important To Adopt Cats And Not To Buy

At the moment, the Munich Animal Shelter is doing a big campaign with actor Hannes Jaenicke and sports reporter Andrea Kaiser, in which it is advertised to adopt animals and not to buy. I put the hashtag #adoptdontshop under almost every Instagram post, because the topic is personally very important to me.

At a young age, I naively and ignorantly made the mistake of buying a cat. Fortunately, this came from a private household and no mass breeding, but today I know that this was wrong. No question, I loved my little cat above all else and I do not want to miss the time with him today. I got my sweet tooth with just six weeks, way too early! I did not know better then. Luckily, my cat was always fine, even if, looking back on my current knowledge, I noticed some behavioral problems with him.

But you learn from mistakes. That's why it's even more important for me to share my experiences with you. So you can do it better than me then.

Cats From The Internet
Many cats are offered for sale on the internet. Where these really come from, you can probably only partially guess. Cats are often used as 'breeding machines' to take away the kitten early and sell them. The cats have neither the necessary medical precaution, nor are they socialized in an appropriate way. If you buy one of these cats - they are still so sweet - you support with his money these machinations. As long as the money goes, that will not stop, because this is not about the cat, but about business.

Adopt Cats
There are so many other ways to take in a cat. Hundreds of cats are housed and mediated annually in animal shelters or animal welfare organizations. For example, they are rescued from poor posture, given by people who can no longer afford an animal or are rescued and nursed back on the street. Hard to believe, but in Germany there are about two million stray cats!

We adopted our cat Mammina via an animal protection organization from Sardinia. Actually, she should 'only' come to us as a foster cat and be forwarded when she is ready. But we and our cat Puschi fell madly in love with Mammina and we could not let her go. Mammina shows us today - after much patience, time and work - her love and gratitude. I could not imagine a life without our little anchovy.

Why It Is So Important To Adopt Cats And Not To Buy

Support By Animal Rights Activists
When choosing your cat you will get help from the animal shelter staff or the animal rights activists who know their animals exactly and together with you select the right cat for you. Here you should not only go after the appearance of the cat, but to get to know their character during visits and explore whether the chemistry is right. Personally, I'm a proponent of a multi-cat household - so why not adopt two cats at once ?

With an adoption you save a sad little soul and give it a new, happy home. And you will see, your cat will thank you very much later!

PS: All my three cats are adopted by the way ♥

Why A Castration Obligation For Free-Range Cats Can Save Lives

The castration obligation for free-range cats is a much discussed topic. I can understand why many do not want to have their cats castrated. Cats babies are finally sweet! However, once you have experienced the suffering of free-range cats that do not have a steady home, you may be able to understand why many animal rights activists are in favor of a general castration obligation. Today I would like to write a few of my thoughts about it.

My First Experience With Stray Cats
For the first time I came in contact with strays at the age of about six years. It was already dark outside, but a strange noise - yes screams - kept us awake. We went out to see where this sound came from. In front of our house my parents had stacked firewood on the wall. What we discovered behind it? A cat mum just got her kittens. A truly touching sight! The cat mummy was a stray dog. We took care of the mommy and one of her kittens. At that time we were able to convey the others to a loving home. Sometimes I wonder what would have happened if the cat had not born her kittens right in front of our house ...

It was already clear to our neighbor that something had to be done to deal with the suffering, which often goes hand in hand with strays. Gradually, she managed to neuter all strays in the area. So that was the first and last time that we had kittens. At that time, as a young child, I did not even know what that all meant.

My Second Experience With Stray Cats
My second experience with stray cats was on a holiday in Italy. Although it was also very sad, this experience was one of the most touching of my life at the same time.

Like many cat fans, I can not go on vacation without a cat. For years my husband and I go to the same house in Tuscany once a year. There are a lot of stray cats in Italy. Most of them, as so often, uncastrated.

There is a beautiful tortoiseshell lady on the spot, we christened her Chico. Year after year she spends our holiday week with us. She sleeps on the chairs in front of the house, gets food from us when we are there and a lot of petting. On our second holiday there, we heard that Chico had a very young offspring. We never saw her kittens, she hid them pretty well. On our last holiday evening I heard in the evening a loud screaming and Viepen in front of the door. I opened it and saw Chico with her kitten in her mouth. She had brought her to us. I still do not know why. Did she want to show it to us? Or did she know we could help her?

The little red kitten was estimated to be just four weeks old, helpless. I knew I was his first human contact, so I was aloof and just gave them food. The little kitten stood on the plate and ate eagerly. They spent the whole night with us. After that, I never saw it again ...

Since then, every holiday for us, Chico, means to provide us with their offspring. The last time we were there, we even met two generations of offspring. I do not want to imagine what hardships that must be for Chico. This could save her and her offspring so much suffering. With a castration.

Why A Castration Obligation For Free-Range Cats Can Save Lives

My Third Experience With Stray Cats
The problem with always giving birth cats is not only in Italy, no, we have it here too. A few years ago our distant neighbors brought home a group of cats from their vacation, let them run around freely, but not castrate them. Every year there are 2x a year offspring. Of course, also among each other. This is then partially sold, or he simply stays here and soon gives birth to many, many kittens.

Uncastrated cats have a much larger area than castrated cats. This also means that they take much greater risks when walking through their territory. Many of them end with death.

Since uncastrated tomcats also rarely tolerate other hangovers in their territory, it often leads to real power struggles among the cats. My Puschi can sing a song about it, too often he has become the victim of an uncastrated cat. Of these battles, he was sometimes already so bad injuries that they had to be treated with antibiotics.

My Opinion On The Castration Obligation For Free-Range Cats
All these experiences really only allow me to come to a conclusion. So much suffering could be avoided, one would introduce a general castration obligation for free-range cats. I know, offspring is super cute, but not the suffering that just too often goes with it.

Every year the shelters are overcrowded because they have to absorb a lot of kittens, mostly from cats who enjoy free passage and have been able to reproduce unhindered. Every year, too many cats die as they feel the urge to roam their great territory under many dangers. Every year, cats die violently in battle with dominant, uncastrated cats / cats.

In Germany there are an estimated two million stray cats. From a mating of cats arise in about five years about 12,600 descendants. On farms, in industrial areas, in backyards, in forests. The suffering is often hidden and therefore not known or conscious. Who can stop this suffering? We!

Here I have linked to you a list in which cities in Germany there is now the castration obligation for release cats. I'm not connected to the linked club, I think the information is only interesting.

Let me know how you feel about this topic!
Tips: So You Animate Your Cat To Drink

As you know, I have three cats. Not every one of them drinks the same amount. While Mammina is very exemplary in terms of drinking, I rarely see Puschi slurping water. Is your cat drinking a little? Then today I have a few tips for you, how you can animate your cat to drink.

I have set up in our apartment two water bowls, where I see Mammina more often, Shadow sometimes and Puschi never drink ... Since we have a stream directly outside the house and some ponds and ponds, I assume (or I have it also seen more often) that Puschi takes his necessary fluid only outdoors.

If you also have a few lazy candidates at home, then today I have some tips for you on how your cats can / could drink more.

Animate Cats To Drink

Several Drinking Cups
Why put only a drinking bowl in the apartment / in the house? If you offer your cat several options for drinking, it may mean that she drinks more. Maybe you do not like the one drinking place for some reason, another one all the more.

So my tip: set up in your apartment but two or more drinking cups in different rooms and on different levels. Do you have a balcony, a terrace or a garden? Then you can also offer your cat a drinking place here.

Place Correctly
I have told you before , but drinking bowls have nothing to look for in cats next to the feeding bowls. Since cats in the wild do not drink where they eat, this is also common in cats in housing . Therefore, the drinking cup should be a few meters - better still in another room.

In addition, the drinking area should be protected from drafts and also in a quiet place where the cat does not feel observed by other cats or people.

Wet Food
Who feeds his cats wet food, does his cat something good. Because, as the name already suggests, wet food contains much more liquid than dry food. Dry food as the sole food is not suitable for cats. When cats eat dry food, they should always drink water.

Wet food, on the other hand, already covers the liquid content of a cat.

Water Tap
Some cats love to drink from the running tap.

Animate Cats To Drink

My sweet cat mouse Shadow is also such a candidate. She jumps on the edge of our bathtub and sits next to the tap. Then of course she expects me to get him up and running. As soon as it trickles, she drinks it and grabs the drops. The running water animates many cats to drink. Give it a try. Maybe your cat is crazy about running taps.

Drinking Fountain
Similar to the running faucet, it is a drinking fountain in cats. This is in a quiet place in the apartment and always flows easily to himself. Many cats love this and feel animated for drinking.

Playful For Drinking
Sometimes it is hard work to encourage your cats to drink. You have to come up with something. What my cat Mammina loves is a table tennis ball floating in a tub filled with water. Then she playfully hits the ball with her paws and also drinks some water. Maybe that's good for your cat too. Just be creative ...

Animate Cats To Drink

Ice Cubes
Ice cubes are a great idea, especially in summer. Just put a few ice cubes on a plate and let your cat play with it and lick it. In summer, they have the great side effect that the cats not only take liquid, but also cool off a bit.

Do you have another great idea how to animate cats to drink, then let me know and I'll include it in my list.
A Declaration Of Love To Cats & What We Can Learn From Them

For some cats are cats - animals just. For me they are so much more! I owe a lot to my cats and have learned so much from them. That's why today there is a small declaration of love to cats - animals that have enriched my life eerily.

My Declaration Of Love To Cats
I think that's not just me. For me my cats are not just animals that live in our household, for me Mammina, Shadow and Puschi are family members. Yes, they are my cat children. I love them to the limit, I take care of them, I cuddle with them, play with them, feed them, see that they are well and they are happy with us. I want to give my cats back all that I receive from them.

You're Never Alone With Cats
I am lucky that I can work a lot from home. That's wonderful, but sometimes you can easily drop the blanket on your head. Sometimes I do not see a soul all day. Then I sit at my desk by the window, type in the keys of my laptop and only see birds, sometimes deer, squirrels or joggers, when I look out the window. (As you may know, we live right next to the forest).

But I have my three cats, mostly looking for my company around the clock. And I love it! Right now, for example, Mammina is lying on the chair right next to me and Puschi has made himself comfortable on his new sleeping place right behind me. I enjoy having my cats around me! And at the same time it makes me incredibly happy that they are looking for my closeness and seemingly like to be with me.

Daniel Dafoe was really right when he said:
If You Have A Cat, You Do Not Have To Be Afraid Of Being Alone.

Teach Cats To Enjoy The Moment
You can also learn a lot from cats. For example, to live in the moment and enjoy the moment. Cats no longer think about the day before yesterday and they do not think about tomorrow either. They live exactly in the here and now. They enjoy their petting, they sleep as long as they want and play, when they feel like it. And they enjoy what they are doing. If we could do that more often then we would probably be spared some (often wrongly done) worries.

Cats Teach That It's Alright To Dance Out Of Line
What I find so fascinating about cats? They take care of a sh ... what others think of them. They do not care which coat color they have, they do not care if they are small or tall and they do not care if they have long or short coat. They are just as they are and do not even think about it. Plus, they do what they feel like doing. Sometimes they leap through the air like a billy goat and lie down on the floor, no matter how they look or where they are. Sometimes I also wished I could just lie down on the floor without reaping the wrong looks. Not because I really want to lay down on the floor, but just on principle

Through My Cats, I Have Found My Calling
I've always loved cats. However, that I would once find my vocation through them, I would not have expected. Like so many, I studied after completing high school, did internships in various editorial departments, and then ended up working as a manager in a large fashion company. Did that make me happy? Not really ... When I realized that life makes me unhappy, I made the decision to move to my (then then) friend to Munich and a break from the constant pressure to perform, which seems to be our constant companion in this day and age to take.

I wanted to do something good, something for the heart. So I contacted an animal welfare organization and asked me to become a foster home for cats. Since we live here so close to nature and Puschi is such a social hangover , we seemed to be the perfect foster home for former street cats , who also need clearance. By pictures we could decide between two cats. One was a small gray cat named Mammina, the second cat was a dark gray cat. Since Puschi is better with girls, we decided for Mammina.

Through My Cats, I Have Found My Calling

When the little mouse came to us from Italy (Sardinia), she was terribly anxious. For almost three months she only lived under the sofa, hardly showed herself and only came out at night. She had problems with the cat litter box and devastated our living room where she lived. I did not want to give up and show the little mouse that we only want the best for her. I dealt intensively with the topic, read in and also sought professional advice. Then I realized that my efforts are bearing fruit and that I seem to have a "talent" for dealing with cats.

As you know, Mammina is no longer a foster cat, I could not help it and we kept her with us. What has become of her? The most affectionate cat you can imagine. She enjoys her new life to the fullest, which makes me incredibly happy.

Mammina is why I trained as a behavior therapist and psychologist for cats. If she had not been, who knows if I would ever have discovered my calling.

My heart goes out when I help cats, or their owner can advise. Also my blog is so much fun for me. Thank you mom!

Comforting Cats
I do not know how they do it, or they do it on purpose, but cats have a healing effect on us humans. And by that I do not just mean the cat's purr , which has a positive effect on our body. Cats comfort alone with their presence.

I can remember exactly one event a few years ago. Shadow did not live officially with us yetAt this time she was still the cat of our neighbors. At times, she used to hide in my wardrobe to have a warm and safe place to sleep (she used to live outside only). I had a very bad day that day, I was so overwhelmed and sat on the sofa and cried and sobbed. Suddenly Shadow came out of my closet - I did not know she was there - stood two feet in front of me and looked at me. Until I stopped crying. Then she went again. Since then, I call her my soul comforter. I love her for her empathy and I am incredibly happy that she is now an integral part of our family.

So, when I read that the Pope says that animals have no soul, he probably has never been fortunate to have a deep connection to a cat .... Too bad.

When I tell this story to friends, acquaintances or even strangers, they can not really believe many. Because we got cat growth without 'picking' a new cat. We, that's my husband and I and our two cats Puschi and Mammina. Because in the autumn of 2016 Shadow (pronounced: Schado) moved in, simply because she had chosen it that way.

Shadow is the little cuteness down in the photo. Shadow was not a stray but a neighbor's cat a few doors down. He adopted her from a Croatian shelter three years ago. Shadow lived as a pure outside cat in a family of three schoolchildren. As an outside cat, because no cat flap was allowed to be attached to the house and then she eventually became 'annoying' inside. She probably scratched the inside of the doors and the same.

When A Cat Decides To Change Family

Shadow and our big cat Puschi have always been friends, but Mammina did not really like Shadow and always chased her off the property when she saw her. Nevertheless, Shadow sometimes came to our house. For example, in the summer, when the patio door was open, she went into the kitchen, stole some cat food and disappeared again. At some point we discovered that she was sleeping in my closet. Since I wanted to provide the little mouse with a warm sleeping space, I cleared a separate compartment for her and laid it warm and cozy with a blanket. Almost every day she lay in it and slept there in peace. She did not participate in family life, she behaved inconspicuously and did not like to be touched.

Of course, we told our neighbors that Shadow sometimes stays with us, which was ok for them. They found them somehow strange and had already considered whether they should not give them away. So, a year and a half passed. When it was cool, we saw it more often, then sporadically in summer. Until last fall.

When A Cat Decides To Change Family

We noticed that Shadow is suddenly more often with us. She ate regularly with us and looked for other places to sleep in the apartment. She began to make herself comfortable on our sofa and took the window sill in the kitchen for herself. I worked with Mammina to better accept Shadow, which I did well and we (my husband and I) decided to adopt Shadow if our neighbors agree.

When A Cat Decides To Change Family

After a brief conversation with our neighbors, the matter was settled, Shadow - the unrecognized treasure - now officially belonged to us. From that moment something happened that I really did not expect. The little dachshund, who also liked to run against closed doors and move his head very strangely 360 degrees, changed himself 180 degrees. She loved to play it suddenly, enjoyed our attention, demanded pats (even on the stomach! My first cat likes that!), Loved to be combed, developed droll whimsy in the house (She loves to hang out with my husband at the faucet play) and we even caught her cuddling with Mammina! She has settled in so well with us, she lays more and more off her nervous ticks and her coat is now silky smooth. One thing she has not shown us yet, her treading *, I'm curious if that will come at some point! (* edit: In the beginning of 2018 Shadow showed us her stepping for the first time, I was so touched and happy that my tears came).

When A Cat Decides To Change Family

But we have a problem now: we need a bigger sofa 

This cat gives us so much joy - thank you Shadow, that you have chosen us as your new family!

From time to time it happens that cats say goodbye to their family and look for a new one. Of course, only with free-fallers, it is clear. It is important that the families speak openly and find the best solution for the cat. Because not we choose our cats, but the cats choose their home. 

By the way, an absolute no-go is to feed a foreign cat extra, because of course the four-legged friends stay where they get something delicious to eat. And the family at home then wonders where the cat stays, or why she eats so changed. So if you notice that a strange cat is staying with you more and more often, you should definitely make out their owner and talk openly with him.
Jealous Of The Cat? 3 Points I Envy My Cats

Cats just have it so good! You do not have to pay taxes, you do not have to worry about any job, and you do not have to go shopping. Gorgeous! Yes, sometimes (often) I am a little jealous of my cat's life. Why, I would like to tell you today with a smile and I'm curious, in which points you agree with me.

Am I Jealous Of My Cat? Words To Smile With Veracity
"She has a shot," some may now think. But I personally feel the life of a cat living in a beloved and safe environment, pretty nice!

The situation is different for cats, of course, who do not feel well in their home. Who may experience violence from their owners, who get bad or too little food and who may have to go through life without a cat partner or touching human partner ...

Today, I would like to concentrate on the four-legged friends who are doing well. For example, my three. Hach, I really think my babes are pretty happy. So happy that sometimes I would like to trade with them ...

What raisins I would like to pick from a cat's life, I want to tell you today.

No Stress During Meal Preparation
Actually, I like to cook a lot and, according to my husband, well. But at the moment I have a big lack of cooking and I have to get up quite a bit, to put myself on the stove, to cut vegetables and Co. How practical is there only our lovely kitty, right? I think they do not know how awesome that is when someone puts food on your face every day.

You get up, get your breakfast. If things are going well then even your favorite human. When things are going so well, he's even worked hard for you and stuffed your favorite food. In Puschi's case, that would be duck, for example.

No Stress During Meal Preparation

For me as a vegetarian, that would be nothing, but I'm looking forward to a simple croissant in the morning. And a coffee. Oh, actually I would be happy about a ready cup of coffee in the morning. But no, I get up, take care of the cats and then I have to make myself a coffee myself. Imagine that! Make a coffee yourself! From a cat's point of view an absurdity! Hach, the babes have it well. Yes, not having any stress on the food and fluid intake would definitely be a raisin that I would pick from such a cat's life.

Attention Whenever I Want
So that this point is not misunderstood, I first have to mention that my husband gives me wonderful attention. I really can not complain, even appreciate it. He is great! If I feel bad, he immediately realizes it and meets the words or the hug I need now.

But imagine that in the cats. When one of my three cats enters the room, I greet them immediately. Do not laugh at me, but I often ask her how she isSometimes they answer me, sometimes not. Whatever you want.

Attention Whenever I Want

But the point is that (many) cats simply take the attention they want and we humans are happy to give it to them.

Let's take a few examples: your cat gets up, is usually mated in bed. Your cat comes to you, gets petted. Your cat goes to another room, is said goodbye. Your cat will come back, will be greeted and caressed again. And that's how it works all day! The whole!

In the evening, when you are lying on the couch, for example, then the little mouse comes back and lets himself be cuddled to sleep. I mean…. What is this dream life?

And the great thing is, once the cat has zero attention, then it hides in her corner or in the closet or in the case of a free-fall under the favorite bush and Miezi has her rest. Alright ... and that brings me straight to the third point.

Sleep Whenever And Wherever You Want
For years, I say, cats are so terribly good! They can lay down in the middle of the floor and fall asleep and nobody cares. Yes it is very normal or even super cute! Do you do that as a human? Lie down somewhere on the floor. Everyone would look at you stupid.

It's not necessarily that I want to lie down on the floor all the time, but I'd like it cool if I could, if I wanted to, and nobody would stare at me.

Sleep Whenever And Wherever You Want

Also, sometimes I have the urge to sleep through rainy days just as our kittens do. Nobody who tells me what else to do, no one (the inner voice) who tells me to go shopping and go to the bank and nobody who points out that the apartment should be cleaned again. Do not hang laundry, no appointments, no compulsion.

Just sleep whenever you want. Yes, I sometimes find that pretty nice. Yes, I envy my cats ...

What do you say? Are you smiling at my words or can you recognize a certain truth in one way or another? let me know
Cat Training: The 3 Common Mistakes In Dealing With Cats

Whether cat training succeeds, whether it is easy to do with it or has difficulties with it depends on a few factors. Today I would like to tell you the 3 most common mistakes that cause the education of the cats does not go as you had imagined.

If cat owners are annoyed with the behavior of their cats, then this usually has no nice consequences - for the owners and for the cats.

So Far You Should Not Let It Come
But if the relationship between cat and owner already has a kink, it is often difficult to establish a trusting relationship again. That's why you should not let it get that far. After all, cat education is not difficult at all. In order to make it work right from the start, conversations between all those involved in the household are usually helpful before the cats move in. One should briefly discuss a few cornerstones of cat education, after which all will act. If you're not sure what to look for, a cat therapist's advice and tips may be worth your while.

3 Mistakes In Cat Training

1. Wrong View
Having the wrong point of view in this case does not mean that there are not other "ways" to "educate" cats than I do ... By sight, I simply mean the point of view of the cats.

It starts with the fact that cats are much smaller than us humans. So I think it makes sense, for example, to go alone in the interior of the apartment times on the size of the cats and to look at the apartment from the perspective, if you see them only about 30 inches from the ground.

But that's not all. By view, I also mean to look at the life of the cat from their point of view. Why did the cat do that now? Why did the cat scratch the sofa? Or why did not she go to the litter box? What is it like for a cat to live as a single cat in an apartment for ten years?

One should answer when answering the questions not from the human point of view, but from a cat's point of view. I think that's very important. Perhaps the most important element to understand cats.

2. Impatience
Oh yes, dear impatience. I myself am a truly impatient person. If I have an idea in my head, I would like to realize it in the next second. Sometimes I wish to be Bibi Blocksberg and conjure up "hex hex" everything I need to get started.

So I first had to learn that impatience is one of the most counterproductive traits in cat training. But I managed it (olé)! And I think my cats thank me for that. They live at their pace. They absolutely do not have to look after us and I think that's why they like to come after us.

As you may think, I owe my patience to cats to Mammina . A few years ago, when she came to see us, she showed me how precious it is for a cat to be pushed to nothing. Exactly then they surprise us with progress. And as a cat owner I can not find anything better than to see how great your own cat is developing and to see that she is well and happy.

3. Inconsistency
Each of us knows that inconsistency in education is quite counterproductive. Not only in cats. Whether children, dogs, horses or ants (or husbands, haha), consistency is important. Sometimes a Hü, sometimes a Hott is quite irritating for cats.

Once they are allowed on the table, not next time. Once they get something delicious from the dining table, the next time not. Once they are allowed to sleep in bed, the next time not. But once the cat has sniffed the sweet air of the nightly bed or the sweet smell of the chicken on the plate, then she wants more.

If she does not get the "more", she is naturally irritated. She's got it before, why does not anyone hear her sitting down on the table leg and devoutly mewing for the chicken? Impudence!

But cats are pretty cute and such a "meow" can sound pretty heartbreaking. Do not you think so? I know that too well! I will not take me out there. When we see these looks, we often can not resist

Then we can not complain afterwards or put the blame on the cat. Also consequence wants to be practiced - above all of us humans.

How is your cat education going? Have you ever thought about how you want to raise your cats, or is it all natural to you?

Dangerous Foods For Cats: With List To Look Up

Again and again I experience how cat owners let their cats from the coffee or nibble the cats from the human plate. But is that really healthy for cats?. Of course, it always depends on what's on the plate. For example, if onions are served with, we should not let our cats taste our "human meal". For onions or leeks are among the dangerous foods for cats.

However, it is not so easy to keep track of the abundance of food, which food cats are allowed to eat now and which are not. If you get confused, it can be fatal for the cat. Therefore, I advise when feeding the cats, rather not take unnecessary risk and / or to inform themselves really well.

So that you get a small overview, which foods are not for your cats, I have you today a small list created, you can print out, for example, or you can check it out again and again, you should be unsure.

Dangerous Foods For Cats
  • Onion and leeks
  • chives
  • garlic
  • Cow's milk / dairy products in too high quantities (lactose)
  • grapes
  • raisins
  • chocolate
  • coffee
  • tea
  • avocados
  • alcohol
  • salt
  • beans
  • peas
  • lenses
  • Raw potatoes
  • Raw pork
  • Smoked foods
  • Raw fish (salmonella danger)
  • Raw poultry (salmonella danger)
  • bone
  • cabbage
  • yeast dough
  • Stone fruit (eg peach, apricots, prunes etc.)
  • citrus fruits
  • Birkenzucker
  • Xylitol (sweetener in chocolate or baked goods)

In addition, you should do without the car for carbohydrates and sugar.

What Happens If The Cat Has Eaten "Wrong Foods"?
Often the cat suffers from nausea and intestinal discomfort after eating "wrong foods". Constipation is one of the consequences. Also, vomiting, anemia (onions), nervousness, panting, salmonella, tapeworms, coughing, muscle tremors, difficulty breathing, tachycardia (coffee) or convulsions can be further consequences.

The sweetener xylitol, which is contained in many chocolate, for example, can also lead to liver failure. What happens then, you should know. Many of these foods can also cause damage that can not be repaired. So pay attention to what your kittens get between the teeth.

If you have any more examples of "wrong foods" for cats, please let me know, then I'll add them to my list.

By the way: the list is not exhaustive.